Classic Space Transportable Rover

Febrovery 2017: A Generation 1 Classic Space Rover designed for maximum mobility.

I’ve always thought that the original Rover from the 928 Galaxy Explorer set was cool, but far to small to be as cool as LL928 itself. So the task For Febrovery was just that: Build a Rover with maximum size and coolness but still small enough for LL928’s cargo bay. And to get the real look only bricks available in 1979 should be used.

This is the result.file-ea65468e-9154-45cf-a0a6-b1f8cee9d14d-5944-000008a2cd9d2055

The Pickup bed of the Rover works as a transport pallet which can be moved with a forklifter.

file-74f4322c-1eca-4213-8c2e-3dc841d94669-5944-000008a2c84f49b9The transport pallet has just the right size for the cargo bay of my LL924M.

file-add156ad-3531-46a6-9072-821d4dac2301-5944-000008a2c7378fcfCargo bay doors closed, ready for take-off.

file-175af886-1895-49fd-a142-a0db656f8a61-5944-000008a2c5118e6bAnd now it’s time to transport the Rover itself. The cargo bay of LL928 still has the original size. I’ve only replaced the 2×4 brick in the front of the cargo bay floor with a 1×4 brick and two 1×2 tiles.

file-80e4ad1e-7700-486e-a406-9cec160c5cec-5944-000008a2c1ae2821Yes, the cargo bay doors really close around the Rover.

b027_33091498406_8135fa5fc1_oAnd another way to transport the Rover: A standard cargo box mounted underneath my LL926 Space Crane.

b027a_32750724780_47eeacc759_oThe cargo box used as a garage for the Transportable Base.

b027b_33091519936_7f45900609_oTwin tyres on all four wheels and a high ground clearance are a great combination for an All Terrain Rover.

b027c_33006237411_032229543c_oJust like the 891/442 Space Scooter/Space Shuttle it has two steering wheels to be piloted by either of the two Astronauts.

b027d_32317792373_fcbf56657b_oSo this is it, my G1 Lego Classic Space Transportable Rover for Febrovery 2017. I hope you like it :-))

NILSOBRIX: Classic Space Transportable Rover
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